‘Preserving Yesterday for Tomorrow’
The Aims of the Museum:
- To protect, care for and enhance Storrington’s historic collections for the benefit of current and future generations
- To promote Storrington’s heritage as a catalyst to improve the wellbeing, health and knowledge of the local community
- To reach out and interact as an educational resource for local schools and a wider community in a spirit of inclusiveness.
- To maintain archives, artifacts, databases, and other research facilities
Our Finances
The Museum is entirely independent, earning its keep from the generosity of members, visitors, donors and grant makers.
Our annual outgoings are £10,000. Of this, more than half goes on rent.
Our core income comes from Membership Subscriptions and an annual grant from the Parish Council. The remaining 70% is made up of income from fund raising events (talks, quiz nights, art exhibition, walks around the village and the chairman’s challenge etc) and crucially, much needed donations.
All the Committee, Curatorial Team and Stewards are volunteers.
Why not join us as a Member/ Volunteer or Researcher?
Email us at storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com
Call us on 01903 740188
Visit us at the Old School – Sat & Wed 10-4 pm & Sun 10-1 pm